
Tips for Creative Grid Transposition Exercise

A reminder that the creative gird transposition exercise for the sketchbook must be done in traditional media (you can’t just use Photoshop!)

I did a demo with Sarah’s image by reducing the resolution to 4 ppi. This significantly reduced the size of the image, so I took a screen shot and scaled it to 8 x 10 inches in photoshop. At this scale she can simple trace out the image from a print and determine the media for the value application.

This can also be done with a color image or any variety of filters, but make sure the final image emphasizes the presence of the grid. You can also bypass Photoshop and use any process you’d like as long as the grid element remains present.

If anyone needs help with the photoshop conversion of your photo just drop a line. And you can choose any portrait you like if you’re sick of drawing yourself!

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